This is a microcosm of My Bearish Life. My Ice Cream Monster, JJ is a visual adventure of the stories with JJ and when he collided with my path of life. J.J. Suffron was a human that entered my life in 2009. He argued that we met earlier and perhaps we "met" on social media, but in person it was when he happened to arrive in front of my home, and I showed him and his then partner what the studios in my building looked like. In 2015, I never would have expected that we would become the soul friends. I have never met anyone like him. The adventures and digital meetings we had were great, and I deeply miss him.
J.J. and I had a wonderful friendship. On February 18, 2017, J.J. was hit by a car while crossing the street. Unfortunately, J.J. wasn't paying attention, and he suffered a traumatic brain injury. He had been in what was designated as a persistent vegetative state which meant he could come to at anytime from 6 days to a month to 10 years later. We were all used to it, and looked forward to visiting him when we could. Unfortunately, he passed away on Sunday, August 9, 2020. It was not due to COVID-19. However, due to the pandemic, J.J. did not have any visitors beginning March of 2020 until his death.
JJ's partners Jon, Peter and Scott all took care of him, and Jon would visit him daily. Jon is a hero and such a wonderful human. I cannot thank him enough for what he has done and who he has been to J.J. He and Peter even helped J.J. relocate from Anaheim to Cleveland to be closer to his biological family. That adventure was four long days of driving with Jon and Peter. They are so strong. I love them.
The following is a catalog of my adventures with J.J. He was my Ice Cream Monster. I called him that because of how much he loved ice cream. We would frequently go to Sonic and enjoy it. He called me Poodle. He noticed I had the nickname in my phone from another friend and then we watched Honey Boo Boo call her uncle Poodle, so that name stuck. I will never forget you, My Ice Cream Monster, JJ.

J.J.'s Tattoo - 2016

Ice Cream Monster - 2016

J.J.'s Furry Back - 2016

J.J.'s TV - 2015

Watching TV with J.J. - 2016

J.J. Fell Asleep After I Moved to Baltimore - 2015

J.J. Fell Asleep, AGAIN! - 2015

One of Many Calls with J.J. - 2015

2015 - The Postcard I Sent J.J.

The Last Time I Saw J.J. - 2016
J.J. had moved to LA in May of 2016. When some friends went to Cali for our annual Comic Con adventure, we told J.J. to meet up with us. It was this visit that I last hugged him.

J.J.'s Corner - 2018

Seeing J.J. for the First Time after 2 Years - 2018

Adam Holding J.J.'s Hand - 2018

Letters to J.J. - 2018

Chiweenie - 2019

A Poster of Loved Ones in J.J.'s Room - 2019

Call me "J.J." - 2019

J.J.'s Legs - 2019

J.J.'s Arm - 2019

J.J.'s Bag of Fluids - 2019

J.J.'s Chest - 2019

J.J. Clenching - 2019

J.J.'s BIPAP and Radio - 2019

J.J.'s View in Anaheim - 2019

J.J.'s High School Portrait - 2019

What J.J. Left Behind in Albuquerque with his Ex, Joey I - 2021

What J.J. Left Behind in Albuquerque with his Ex, Joey IV - 2021

What J.J. Left Behind in Albuquerque with his Ex, Joey VI - 2021

Digital Slide Show for J.J. at his Memorial - 2021

About J.J. - 2021

Picture Board at J.J.'s Memorial - 2021

J.J.'s Partners Celebrating J.J.'s Life at Cedar Point (One of His Favorite Spots) - 2021

Carrying J.J. with Us Forever - 2021